Our most recent fiscal year ended September 30, 2022. We would like to take this time to reflect on our most recent activities as we prepare to launch new initiatives and wellness interventions throughout the River Region.

The Wellness Coalition Board continued to serve as a forum for “safety net” providers to network and coordinate issues related to persons with little or no health insurance affected by chronic disease. In addition to this coordinative role, The Wellness Coalition has made a direct impact on the health of the community through our programs. But it was not without its challenges.

The COVID-19 pandemic created new obstacles that we diligently worked to overcome so that we could continue providing key services to residents. The pandemic is now part of every planning process we have.

“As we get closer to a third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to empowering people with knowledge that can slow transmission of the virus and amplify access to resources to overcome food insecurity, normalize breastfeeding, and manage or reduce chronic conditions,” said Ghandi Daniels, executive director of The Wellness Coalition.

A List of Accomplishments From an Impassioned Staff

You can review a list of highlights below and on the next page. The important thing to remember is that these initiatives were piloted by The Wellness Coalition team and their dedication to making a difference.

“Our organization’s primary mission is to improve the health and wellness of people in underserved areas. It’s crucial to provide quality service to all,” said Delia Hasberry, REACH program coordinator. “Because we’re motivated by our mission to improve the health of a population that faces so many challenges, we’ve had to think outside the box to deliver the best service possible.”

My favorite activity is partnering with community organizations for vaccination clinics where we are able to vaccinate and fellowship with the community. Now I see more residents being accepting of education and vaccines so I know we are making a difference.

Na’Sha DeRamus, REACH COVID-19/Flu Vaccination Coordinator

Having the opportunity to actually hear a community member express her gratitude that we provide COVID-19 education is extremely special. I’m overjoyed to have the opportunity to be a part of TWC’s continuous work that is keeping people healthy and saving lives.

Carmela Fleming, Health Equity Alliance Program Coordinator

Some of the accomplishments we made in our 2021-22 fiscal year include:

  • Partnering with Medical Outreach Ministries to create a lactation space for breastfeeding moms
  • Recruiting eight local breastfeeding moms to participate in a photo shoot to promote breastfeeding awareness
  • Creating the “Tobacco Task Force”, consisting of 20 community members, to promote smoke-free spaces in the River Region
  • Recruiting more than 40 community members to be “Trusted Messengers” to dispel COVID-19 vaccination myths and promote vaccinations
  • Creating the Health Equity Alliance, whose 23 members help develop and execute “on the ground” strategies to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates
  • Promoting worksite wellness programs for tobacco and diabetes prevention to local employers
  • Hosting “A Tour of Wellness” health fair events with community partners in Montgomery, Macon, and Lowndes counties
  • Providing appliances to support the work of four food banks in our area

All efforts are my favorite but I have enjoyed Saturday morning walks in the park. This activity has allowed more face-to-face interaction during the pandemic. We have been fortunate to partner with more organizations to collaborate on services and reach more individuals with the partnerships.

Ghandi Daniels, Executive Director

I enjoy helping others and improving our community, which in turn results in personal growth. The impacts I’ve seen from our work include more mothers choosing to breastfeed, partner support, and supportive work sites. Tobacco Quitline calls have also increased for resources to quit smoking.

Delia Hasberry, REACH Program Coordinator

Working Together To Improve Health and Access for All

The Wellness Coalition was established when a group of healthcare providers came together to work on improving healthcare for persons with chronic diseases and little or no health insurance. Our board member organizations include the major “safety net” healthcare providers—those serving underserved persons in five counties of Alabama’s River Region: Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Macon, and Montgomery.

The Wellness Coalition facilitates a coordinated, community-wide system to improve the health and wellness of people with limited or no health insurance through collaboration, services, and education. We do this in an effort to bolster a community that promotes health and wellness through a coordinated system of care. The Wellness Coalition has grown and added board member agencies, staff, and services. We are pleased to work toward improved individual and community health in the River Region, and to continue to establish the partnerships without which our goals could not be realized.

“The work that the agency is able to provide is important to me because we are able to have a positive impact on life expectancy by providing services that will assist with a lifestyle change,” said Daniels. “This can include seeing a doctor on a regular basis, eating more fruits and vegetables, starting or increasing physical activity, and impacting church congregations and communities.”

I love when we have group activities like cooking demos, walks in the park, and game nights in our classes. It’s exciting to bring the participants together to interact and learn from one another. It’s important to be in control of our own health. Being able to assist others on their journey to better health is rewarding.

Martine Rocker, Diabetes Prevention Program Coordinator