Funny stress concept portrait of a tired overworked helpdesk support worker heaving a pack in at smoko break. Can't get with the program

The percentage of pack-a-day smokers hits record low in U.S.

The percentage of smokers in the U.S. who light up a pack or more of cigarettes a day has fallen sharply over the past decade. click HERE to read more.

Check out the new Alabama youth tobacco website…

We get it; you vape, bruh. But, did you know that while the stuff you’re inhaling is safe to digest, it can be harmful to inhale? Find out more about how young people are being targeted with these products just like your parents were targeted with cigarettes.  View

How does Alabama measure up in the fight against cancer…

Alabama legislators must take advantage of opportunities to pass evidence-based laws and policies that are proven to save lives and money, according to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network. For more information, Click Here

U.S. Smoking rate would reach zero by 2035 if recent progress continues

An analysis published today in The New England Journal of Medicinefinds that the adult smoking rate in the United States has fallen much faster under the Obama Administration than under the previous two administrations. Read Here