Hilliard Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church (HCAME), one of The Wellness Coalition’s newest health ministry partners, has achieved important work during the pandemic.

Hilliard Chapel Church began a partnership with The Wellness Coalition with hopes of continuing to build a healthy mindset with congregants and the community. They have been doing a great job at making things happen.

The H.I.L.L. Cares

HCAME wasted no time in being creative during this pandemic. Although they are not open to the public right now, they were determined to reach the congregation and community no matter what. This church is known as “The Hill,” so they decided to create a weekly video series entitled “The H.I.L.L. Cares.”

The acronym H.I.L.L. means Healthy Initiatives for Living Life. This video series educates, informs, and empowers people across social platforms about health issues that impact the world and the African American community.

Reaching the Community of in Other Ways

Although HCAME has its weekly video series, they are still reaching the congregation and community members in other ways. They have provided groceries to those who needed assistance due to the pandemic and children attending school virtually.

Since choosing to enhance their health ministry, they’ve realized that many children had not tried certain healthy foods, so providing vegetables and fruits was a big goal that they have reached on many occasions. To enhance the palate of children and families, they introduced a vegetable or fruit to get them accustomed to eating and trying new things. In addition, they were provided with recipes, allowing them to learn different ways to cook fresh produce, such as cabbages and Brussels sprouts.

Healthy at a Young Age

Even the children are involved in the health ministry. Children ages eight and under had the opportunity to learn about growing herbs and planting their own. They were beyond excited once they started to see the herbs begin to grow. In addition, the health ministry team has been providing awareness on healthy initiatives for living life, such as mental health awareness and healthy nutrition.

HCAME is also working to reach members through virtual pulpit announcements, social media platforms, Bible studies, Sunday school, and via their marquee. They have been receiving great feedback and requests for more information on various topics.

More Events on the Way

Creating a health ministry has allowed them to refocus on other important things during the pandemic, like the mind, body, and spirit. So, they are definitely planning to do more in the community. For example:

  • HCAME is looking to host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic to help get the community vaccinated.
  • They will start a “Get Fit” challenge encouraging a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • They are also looking into virtual grocery store tours with Whole Foods Supermarket.

These are just some of their plans, and they are beyond excited to make them happen. Be on the lookout for more details!