In July 2020, Gift of Life Foundation presented valuable breastfeeding information in our webinar, Overcoming Barriers to Breastfeeding. In addition to breastfeeding resources, the foundation also supports families with other important programs. Since 1988, Gift of Life Foundation  (GOL) has been working to decrease infant mortality through programs that empower families to reduce the challenges they face that threaten their health and prevent a healthy birth outcome. Our parent educators, mobile family coaches and registered nurses use evidenced-based curriculum to help first-time and parenting moms and dads to develop effective parenting skills and connect them to community resources that help them increase self-sufficiency and succeed.

Nurse-Family Partnership

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a home visitation program for first-time moms that offers a free, personal nurse that gives support, advice and information to increase a mom’s success. Visits begin early in pregnancy and continue through the child’s second birthday.

Parents As Teachers

Parents as Teachers (PAT) is a home visitation program for either first time or expectant parenting moms and dads that help them develop effective parenting skills and encourages the emotional, social and physical well-being of baby and family. A parent educator visit with a mom and/or dad to provide support, education and vital linkages to community resources.

Mobile Family Coaching

Mobile Family Coaching (MFC) is an innovative program for busy moms who prefer coaching via text, social media, and other electronic forms, coupled with some home visits. Moms received education and coaching at regular intervals via email or regular mail and meet regularly by Zoom, FaceTime, or other secure virtual platforms.

Parenting Forward

Parenting Forward (PF) gives expectant or parenting teen moms and dads enrolled in area high schools the education, support and connection to community resources that they need to become an effective parent and plan for a successful future. Students receive services through classes held at their high school, in individual and group sessions, and online. They also have opportunities for peer support and to engage in fun activities.

Fathers In Action

Fathers in Action is a fatherhood program that improves the well-being of children through the promotion of responsible and involved fathers through mobile family coaching and some home visits. Fathers learn about effective co-parenting, the important role they play in the physical and emotional health of their baby, gain peer support from other men and receive one-on-one coaching.

Additional Activities

In addition to our programs, Gift of Life provides mental health support through our staff counselor, provides infant and early childhood mental health training to area childcare providers and agencies, and hosts a variety of professional training workshops, provides community education, and participates in outreach activities with partner organizations.

For more information about their programs and services, to refer a client or to enroll in their programs at no cost, call (334) 272-1820 or visit The Gift Of Life Foundation online at